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At Dependent Financial Planning, we offer comprehensive benefit review services tailored for families with special needs dependent children of all ages. Our Certified Financial PlannersTM understand the importance of helping your family with the right benefits and insurance coverage to provide financial security and peace of mind. Through our benefit review services, we will assess and analyze your current insurance policies to help adequately meet the unique needs of your family.

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Family Health Insurance

We understand the significance of health insurance in securing the well-being of your family. We help you coordinate all of your health insurance to make sure you have access to the best care available.” When your child ages out of being enrolled in your policy, we can review all options to help you know how you are covered.

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Life Insurance

Planning for the unexpected is essential, especially when you have special needs dependents. Our financial planners will review your existing life insurance policies to evaluate coverage amounts, beneficiaries, and policy terms. We will work closely with you to determine the appropriate coverage to protect your family's financial future and secure their long-term well-being.

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Disability Insurance

Protecting your income is crucial, particularly in unforeseen circumstances that may prevent you from working. Our benefit review services include a comprehensive analysis of your disability insurance coverage to help it align with your income needs and specific requirements. We will help you understand the terms, limitations, and benefits of your disability insurance policy, and recommend any necessary adjustments to safeguard your financial stability.

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Medicare Insurance

For families with special needs children, understanding the complexities of Medicare coverage can be overwhelming. We will assist you in reviewing your Medicare insurance policies, ensuring that you are making the most of the available benefits, and understanding any potential gaps in coverage. Our goal is to help you navigate the Medicare system and optimize your insurance for comprehensive coverage of medical expenses.

Insurance specific to your family members with disabilities.

Our benefit review services are designed to give you peace of mind by ensuring your family has the most suitable insurance coverage to protect your financial future. We are dedicated to helping families like yours navigate the complexities of insurance policies and identify any areas where adjustments or enhancements can be made.

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Each state has a different Medicaid system that provides significant support to the children and adults who are enrolled in the correct programs. Medicaid is not only health insurance but also includes care support and community engagement support that can add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars when addressed out of pocket. Our advisors help you navigate what you or your child may be eligible for now or in the future to make sure you are not paying for services that are covered by Medicaid.

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Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

SSI is the government poverty protection program for people with low assets and income. Low-income families can apply for SSI. More than likely, a new adult with a disability will apply for SSI for monthly income from Social Security. Our advisors understand the interactions between SSI, savings, income and the life you or your child intends to live.

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Social Security Disability Income (SSDI)

SSDI is a government insurance program that is paid for through paying Social Security taxes. SSDI has different rules than SSI and understanding the differences between the two and how they interact with other benefits can significantly impact your financial freedom.

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Social Security Retirement

Filing for Social Security can be stressful. Families want to make sure they are getting what they need and that they aren’t missing out on any benefits. Filing for Social Security Retirement benefits is an individual decision based on your work history and expected lifetime. Families with dependent children of all ages also impact their child’s future lifetime benefit. Our planners advise on when it most makes sense for you to file and how it directly impacts your child’s future income.

Insurance is like a safety net that helps you bounce back when life throws you a curveball.~ Unknown

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and let us help secure a brighter future for your family through our comprehensive benefit review services.

Contact Our Special Needs Certified Financial PlannersTM